
My first favorite game is undertale. Undertale is an RPG game where you fight or spare monsters. This game has a great story because your actions can affect everything in the game. It's a game where you either kill every monster or make friends with them and set them free. This game also has a bit of fourth wall breaking. There are a ton of endings depending on what you do. There are 3 main endings and these are called: Neutral Route The neutral route is what the players mostly get on their first try because they are new to the game. New players either spare and kill at the same time. However, some YouTubers who just started playing undertale got a good ending because their fans gives them good advice. In order to get a neutral route you have to kill at least just one monster and spare one monster. The neutral route has different outcomes depending on who you kill and how many monsters you have killed. In the neutral route, monsters are still trapped in the underground. Pacifist...